lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Case study: Online Media 1 (Zoella)

Social media in the online age

You will look at the role played by blogs and websites in the media today, exploring the way in which these convergent media platforms increasingly overlap, as well as investigating the potential that they offer for self-representation.

The changing relationship between media producers and audiences will be considered, as the idea that media consumers have now become producers who regularly and actively participate in the creation and dissemination of media content online.

The impact of digitally convergent media platforms on media production, distribution and circulation will also be explored.

General analysis

Content and purpose of her blog/ YT channel/ Insta

What areas of life does she focus on?
As a lifestyle YouTuber she focuses on clothing, makeup, travel, etc.
Who is her main target audience?
Teenage to young adults (13-29)
Does she simply entertain her audience or support, give advice and educate?
She gives advice on her niche: fashion and cosmetics (main focus) while entertaining her audience (additional focus)
What is her mode of address?
Her mode of address is very direct, with her as the focus of the camera shot. Specifically, she's very bubbly and cheerful

Are there any differences between the content and purpose of her various blogs and online channels?
Her blog is a sort of a hub of her online presence, with the inclusion of both her Zoella and Zoe Sugg Instagram accounts signifying the clash of her two personas. These bring different age groups to the table, with a more mature audience following the blog and a younger audience associated with social media and Youtube.

Audience and industry

How does Zoella produce income?
Zoella's income started mainly from Youtube, with advertising throughout the video and sponsorships. Given her niche, lifestyle, clothing and makeup- focused content will have brought the attention of fashion and cosmetic brands. She's linked to other industries, like books; the association with the more traditional literary industry signals her growth age-wise.

How can her audience interact with or give feedback to Zoella/ Zoe?
The audience can interact and give feedback through Zoella/ Zoe's social media channels. 
Define parasocial interaction.
Parasocial interaction is relevant with social media influencers/ Youtubers, as the interaction one has through these channels is one-sided. One can like, comment, subscribe on the basis of believing you know the person as you like their personality. However, the influencer/ Youtuber doesn't know you, they can't establish a proper personal reciprocal relationship, but you still feel you have one (illusion)

Summarise the representations of gender as well as other representations such as age, class or ethnicity that are most dominant in her blogs. You can also explain any use of stereotypes and gender performativity along with relevant technical codes such as body language, use of colour, props and formatting.
Zoella can be argued to conform and foster the stereotypical idea of a girl, who's into makeup and fashion, is bubbly and cheerful, etc. Her mode of address and content suggests this. Looking at the latter more closely, one can see through the pastel and pink-dominated colours in Zoella's YT thumbnails and Instagram pictures that she's establishing her feminine persona. The move to include more mature black and white tones in the social media channels related to 'Zoe Sugg' supports this idea. Butler's gender performativity theory is applicable here, as Zoella is adhering to feminine social roles and stereotypes with the colour pink as an example. 
What are the main differences between Zoella and Zoe Sugg as representations?
Zoella and Zoe Sugg are two created brands, despite Zoe Sugg being meant to represent her more personally. 

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